
Saturday 18 August 2012

Chapter 23 - Blow Us Out? No You Can't!

First off I'm really sorry for the really late update! I had a bit of a writer's block session :P. So to make up for it, a very very very long chapter. And a whole lot of Arshi ;). 

Warning: Mature content (though not much) but still, the first word of the mature part will be in red, so you can miss it out from there. 

We’re going down, 
and you can see it too. 
We’re going down, 
and you know that we’re doomed. 
My dear, 
we’re slow dancing in a burning room. 
– John Mayer

Arnav ran through another door and entered yet another corridor, only to join a large crowd of people. They must be coming from the atrium, he thought to himself and quickly shoving them out of the way he began to run in the opposite direction.

"Hey watch where you are going man! And the fire exits this way!" A man grumbled as Arnav shoved past his shoulder, he felt anger rise inside of him rapidly and had to hold onto every ounce of patience left inside him to prevent himself from taking a step back and punching the man in the face. He continued to run through the crowd, scanning the faces to see if Khushi was possibly in between them, but there was no sign of her.


She tried for the third time but Arnav was not picking up. "And this stupid alarm had to go off right now too!" She moaned to herself as she stuck the phone to her ear once more then followed a crowd of employees into the back corridor. People were moving down in groups, it was a large building and hoards of employees were rushing to get out. It was an unexpected alarm and that created panic, but her heart was thudding away, grasping at the unknown, a dozen horrible scenarios playing through her mind. Her legs felt weak and her fingers trembled as she attempted to keep herself calm, the fear rising through her too much to control. She started pushing through the crowd more quickly now, gaining speed, her legs carrying her at a pace that she herself was not able to comprehend, adrenaline pumping through every artery of her body. She kept her eyes on the door that led to the last corridor, her goal set, through the door, along the corridor then out. If she had to run home, she would but she prayed that Arnav picked his phone up before that. "Pick up pick up Arnav! Please pick up!" She exclaimed pressing his number once more, tears streaking down her cheeks, when suddenly a body crashed into hers, her eyes closed on the impact, expecting to fall back against someone else, but that's when she felt strong arms go around her back, holding her in place, preventing her fall...


Arundathi attempted desperately to free herself, she slid against the rough ground, kicking up a cloud of dust, her body rustling against the fallen leaves. She winced in pain, the gashes on her legs cutting at her. She pulled at what felt like a twig and her left hand almost gave way, the pain rippling up it from the effort almost paralyzing. The light from the main road wasn't enough on the ground, she could barely make out shapes and then the sound of footsteps growing nearer, "Thump thump thump" in between her own ragged breaths made the hairs on her body stand up. Her plans of an escape was quickly slipping through her fingers. She grabbed at what felt like a rock, the mud around it damp and it clung to her fingers, she grasped it and pulled once more but it came off in her hand and she fell back to the ground. She could see a torchlight approaching towards her fast but her foot was stuck, her body drenched in what felt like a mixture of sweat, blood and grime. She could feel her body gradually giving way, the lack of food weakening her body and it's failing attempts.


People were still rushing past them but for Arnav it was almost as if time had frozen, his arms went around her, hugging her closer to him, taking in her fragrance, the knock of her heart against his, the warmth in her skin as he closed his eyes for a second, nestling his face against her neck as the relief of it all hit him in its entirety. "You're okay. You're okay. Khushi thank god," he murmured more to himself than her. Khushi suddenly pulled out of the embrace, her eyes wandering over his face, taking in his grim expression, as it quickly changed and panic overtook his features once again, confusing her all the more.

"A... Arnav what's wrong hunni?" She questioned, her brows arched as she placed her palm on his cheek, but his eyes were focused to the distance as he looked around him, planning the best way to proceed. "Arnav?" She mumbled again as more people continued to push past them, breaking him out of his state.

"Khushi... Khushi we need to go," he mumbled already grabbing her hand.

"What?! Arnav, why are you here?" She questioned, pulling his arm back.

"Khushi I'll explain everything to you once we get out, but for now we need to go!" He exclaimed then began to pull her with him, pushing everyone out of the way, she followed watching his back, completely bewildered.


Aakash moved through the crowd of people streaming out of the office block, glancing through each face but couldn't seem to locate her. Where was she? Wait! Shit! Had she not turned up for work? He continued to push through the people and finally reached the main door. Avoiding the questioning glances he pushed through and walked into the building.


"So do you mind telling me what's happening?" Khushi questioned again as Arnav reversed all the way out of the car park, glancing left and right then ahead, focusing his eyes on something in the distance then back behind him till the back of the SUV was on the main road. "Arnav! I thought we weren't supposed to keep any more secrets!" She exclaimed, suddenly having had enough of it all, a tinge of hurt to her voice. She had thought it was all over, that he wouldn't keep things from her anymore.

Turning the steering wheel back full circle and increasing his speed he sped off along the road, then onto the slip road and indicated onto a stretch of country road. She kept watching him, his face a perfect mask of calm as he changed the gears, not really realising that they were going the wrong way. Pressing down on the gas till it hit the speed limit, he re-checked his rear view mirror to make sure that they were not being pursued and breathing a silent sigh of relief he finally looked towards her, the hurt too evident in her features as her mouth curved down. He had to look away from her darkening hazel orbs to coherently think through how he would put it. In the end he moved his hand off of the gear knob, focusing on the road ahead and and placed his hand in hers, her fingers interlaced through his almost immediately as she expectantly watched the side of his face. "Khushi," he began quietly, his husky voice calming her senses ever so slightly, "jaan, for now we need to get away from Aberdeen," her eyes widened instantly and he allowed himself a seconds glance towards her, the shocked expression in her face and then an inkling of fear.

"Bu... But Arnav, why?" She managed to stutter out.

He squeezed her hand, giving her another reassuring glance, "jaan just erm dont't freak out okay? I mean..."

"What do you mean don't freak out? Arnav! You have got to be freaking kidding me on! You bring me all the way from India to here and now you're like don't freak out!" She exclaimed, harshly removing his hand from hers then glaring with undiluted fury.

Arnav sighed deeply, feeling himself to be on the brink of loosing his own cool. "Khushi just calm down okay. Can I get you out of Aberdeen first and then we'll talk everything out," he tried again, his jaw set as he continued to gaze ahead of him.

"Fine!" She stated in the end, giving up, not wanting him to get into an accident then sat back in her seat, her arms folded in front of her and remained that way till the end of the journey.


It was a large house, most of the outer walls comprised of glass panels. She could see large mountains in the horizon, the sun still peaking through them. There was a lake down below, opening onto a tiny pebbled stretch, with large trees waving ever so slightly to a slow cool breeze surrounding it. She didn't even know where she was, she hadn't paid attention to the signs or the way they had headed, but she knew they were still in Aberdeenshire, he hadn't driven for too long. As much as she wanted to revel in the breathtaking beauty of the scenery in front of her, it did nothing to calm the storm raging through her mind. It made her think though, how much more did she not know about him? Her best friend, her boyfriend, how much was there still to find out? She turned around suddenly at the sound of the door opening, only to immediately meet his eyes, which were now a dark shade of brown.

He watched her for a few seconds, letting the extremity of the situation properly sink in, going through every possible way in which he could provide an explanation. He appraised her carefully, the way in which she quickly folded her arms in front of her chest, her angry gaze not wavering for a second as she quickly walked up to him. "Okay, Khushi just calm down for a minute," he said before things could get any worse.

"No Arnav! I will not calm down! What is going on?! Why can't you just tell me what's going on? Why are we running? Why can't we just fight them?!" She screamed, now furious, slightly shaking with anger. Then on seeing his hands clench into fists, the furious expression on his face she quickly dropped her gaze, realising that she was pushing him over the edge, that he was possibly just trying to keep the situation calm and she watched in horror as he smashed the glass he was holding to the floor, a dozen glass shards rattling against the wooden floor and the slow spread of cool water as it rapidly seeped into her toes.

"Fine! You want to know what's happening? I'll tell you what the fuck is happening!" He screamed, turning himself around to glare at her, his eyes the colour of rusty metal. Khushi moved back sligtly, almost crouching away from the sudden blast of anger irrupting out of him. "I don't know where the hell Arundathi is and Aakash was minutes away from reaching your office!" Her eyes widened in fear but he continued, "and now I don't know what to do! I don't know how to protect you! I don't know how they are going to go about things! Aakash has been in contact with a man that has connections to the Russian mafia! I cannot!" He exhaled deeply, looking away from her, his anger too far out to notice Khushis trembling form. "Khushi this is why I told you that you shouldn't involve yourself, that I would sort it out. That we shouldn't have this relationship," tears trailed down her cheeks as her whole body shook from the fear engulfing her, combined with the shock of his words and then another realisation. Did he not want this relationship anymore? Was he already sick of protecting her? He sighed heavily, closing his eyes for a mere second, allowing his mind to cool off, "Khushi I'm simply trying to..." he stopped mid-sentence finally noticing Khushis state, "Khushi?" He whispered, placing his hand on her arm only for her to throw it aside as she moved the back of her hand to wipe her cheek, her eyes distant. "Khushi I'm sorry I didn't mean to..." He attempted once more, but she stilled suddenly, moving her gaze to focus directly at him.

"Take me home," she stated, her voice completely calm and steady.

"Khushi?" He questioned taken aback.

"Arnav drive me back and drop me home!" She repeated, her voice slightly raised, "I can take care of myself."

His eyes widened for a mere second, then as realisation dawned upon him, he dropped his gaze. "Khushi, I didn't mean..." He began to mumble, regretting his outburst.

"Arnav if you won't drop me home, I'll take a taxi!" She cut in as Arnav looked on bewildered.

"Khushi..." But she didn't let him finished, instead she reached for the door and pulled it open, her movements almost robotic.

He walked into her back and placing his hand on the door slammed it shut, blocking her way, "Khushi just listen to me okay," he tried again, his husky voice a near audible whisper, almost pleading in nature.

"Arnav just let me go," she mumbled, nearing tears again, as she tried to push him out of the way, not quite meeting his gaze, when all of a sudden his fingers tightened around her arms making her freeze to the spot.

"Just stop it! Just stop this Khushi! What is wrong with you?!" He screamed, pulling her body closer to his, as she looked up at him shocked. Clenching his jaw he looked away from her, then back again, a lot calmer, "I didn't mean to hurt you, I'm just confused right now, I don't know what to do, it just came out," he finally stated, peering into her eyes.

"Arnav you're hurting me," she mumbled, looking down as he relaxed his fingers around her arm, she took a step back from him, as if she feared his very presence. "I just want to go back to my flat," she muttered wiping away at her tears.

"Jaan," his voice was gentle again as he took another step towards her but she backed away, against the door.

"Arnav I just want to go home!" She reiterated. "I can't do this anymore. I can't take this anymore!"

"Khushi just calm down for a sec, you're..."

"No Arnav! I just want to get away from all of this!" The tears were pouring down her face now, "this is not life! This is torture! I can't," she choked on her tears, her own words, stumbling through incoherent sentences, "and I don't want to annoy you anymore. I don't want to be a burden." Arnav sprang forward, catching her in his arms before she slid to the ground.

"Shh shhh, Khushi you aren't a burden," he whispered into her hair, pulling her closer to himself, sending his arms around her, as her body shook through the waves of sobs racking through her body, "it's okay baby, we'll get through this together," he continued to reassure her, his voice gentle as he crushed her body to his. "Khushi I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said what I said," he continued, his voice heavy with regret, as he acknowledged that he had been the cause for this breakdown, "we're both in this  together and we're both in equally deep." He felt her nod against his chest, "and we can't let her win jaan, we can't let them ruin what we have!" His words were louder, stronger as he re-established the will to fight back within him, this time less for himself and more for her because she mattered more than his own life. Because he would move heaven and earth to keep her safe.

Her fingers trailed around his back, clinging closer to him, seeking comfort in his warm embrace, as her tears drenched the fabric of his t-shirt. "I can't do this anymore Arnav," She mumbled into his chest, completely defeated, she desperately wanted her old life back, the monotony, waking up to a day that would be similar to the day before and knowing that the day after would be exactly the same too.

He slowly traced his hands up to her shoulders then moved her back, letting his gaze drop down to meet startled hazel eyes, drowning in a pool of tears. Cupping her face in his hands he moved it up to peer into them, "you can't give up jaan, you never have. This isn't just your battle, it's ours and I will fight tooth and nail and we will get out of this!" He stated, his eyes conveying nothing but determination, the muscles of his face taunt, as his caramel spheres flared with a glowing fire.

"But Arnav I..." Her lips quivered as large tears rolled down her face. He closed his eyes momentarily, no longer able to handle it and finally crashed his lips on to hers, sending his fingers through her hair, drawing her closer, allowing them to convey the raw passion, the pain, his undying love and his need to not give up. Because in the end this is what mattered, she mattered. Her lips were moving against his now, as her own fingers trailed through strands of his hair, reacting in a similarly feverish fashion, asking him for the comfort, relying on him for the courage. His hands moved down to her waist, pulling her closer, their breaths ragged against each other, mingling in their heated passion. Her nails dug into his flesh, through the fabric of his shirt. He deepened the kiss, his tongue searching out the confines of her mouth as her chest heaved against his, their heart beats pounding away and knocking off of each other in the same frenzied rhythm. She sent her arms around his neck as he lifted her up, not breaking the kiss even for a mere second, his head bent back as she returned the frantic nature of his lips against hers in an equally ardent manner, her fingers trailing the side of his chiseled face, feeling through the contours, the rough stubble, the passion so raw, the actions so pronounced that she could have been floating on air. His hands gripped tighter around her waist, her fragile body as light as a feather as he moved towards the bed, letting her intoxicating fragrance engulf him completely. She felt herself being laid down, her body sinking into soft material, then his body against hers, his lips still moving along with her own, moulding into one. He struggled around her, wanting to make her comfortable, breaking the kiss for a fraction of a second as her eyes snapped open. Hazel spheres with speckles of gold clashing against melted pools of chocolate, the fire of their passion dazzling them slightly and never had she ever wanted to loose herself in him like she wanted to at that very moment. She pulled him in closer, her fingers grabbing at strands of his hair as he moved his head into the space of her neck, she closed her eyes, reveling in the perfect beauty of it, the feeling of his warm breath against her neck, then his lips as she let out a soft moan. He kept his arm around her waist, cuddling her body to his as he moved up her jawline, showering kisses. Her hands moved up his shirt, pulling it up, her palms moving over his skin as he helped her pull it off, engulfing her lips in his once more. His fingers moved over her neckline, tracing her soft skin then onto the button he had fumbled at only that morning, opening it quickly, then the rest, sending tiny shivers down her spine as her fingers dug into his back. Breaking his lips away from her, he sent kisses down her neck, to her shoulder as his finger played with the strap of her bra, whilst her hands went around his waist, fingering round the belt then landed on the buckle, pulling at it till it came loose. He slid the strap of her bra down her shoulder, placing a tender kiss on the place it had been in. She pulled at the belt, sliding it out of his jeans as he sent kisses down the middle of her breasts, cupping them with his hands. He pulled the fabric of her bra down with his thumbs, allowing them to graze the erect peaks of her breasts as she let out a soft moan into his lips. Sending his arm round her back, he unclasped it completely then threw it off somewhere into the distance. Her hands moved down his thighs as she slid his trousers off, then grasped at his flesh as his lips went around her nipple, the other hand fondling and teasing, "Arnav," she moaned, arching her back. "Hmm," he mumbled into her skin as he slid her trousers, then her pants off, she sent her arms round his back again, inviting him in, he continued to trace his lips down her body as he pulled her hip against his, their bodies intertwining and losing themselves in a mingled burning passion as he entered slowly, interlacing his fingers through hers as he rocked her body to their own defined rhythm, as she submerged herself completely into the depths of his desire.

She lay her head back on the pillow as he hushed her shuddering body with soft kisses, "I love you," he whispered, kissing her ear, "I love you," he whispered again, pressing his lips to her forehead, letting them linger there for a few seconds as she continued to play with his hair. "I love you too," she whispered, pressing a kiss to his throat, "and we'll get through this," he finally promised, letting his caramel orbs meet her golden ones.

I will remember the kisses, 
our lips raw with love, 
and how you gave me 
everything you had 
and how I 
offered you what was left of 
– Charles Bukowski
This Charles Bukowski quote is the part that was missed out from the poem used in one of the separation chapters, I felt it to be apt as they have now finally become one.

So ya know what to do ;). Please do leave comments. I do love all of em! And will reply to every single one! :D
Thank you for reading!
And leave your IF name if you want buddied ;) xx

Sunday 12 August 2012

Chapter 22 - Caught In The Eye of a Storm

Erm yeh so, the whole idea of shorter chapters? Yeh that didn't work, this one ended up longer than I wanted it to. But the suspense is still on ;). 


“My nightmares are usually about losing you. I’m okay once I realize you’re here.”
 Suzanne Collins, Catching Fire

"Damn it!" She wasn't picking it up! "Damn it Khushi! Pick up the god damn phone!" He growled through gritted teeth, trying for the fourth time. He was quickly running out of time, Aakash would soon reach the reception area. Yes it would take him a bit of time to actually get through to meeting Khushi but he needed to stop things before that could happen. He closed his eyes for a second, taking a deep breath in to calm himself down. Nothing would happen to her, not here, maybe a threatening word or two, but he didn't want that either, Khushi was only barely recovering from it all. Then again what if something did happen, he couldn't trust anything right now, not even his assumptions. He glanced back from behind the tree again, Aakash was at the door now, his hand fingering the reception button, probably coming up with some sort of plan to get in. Time was not on his side. His finger quickly wiped over the recents tab and pressed on Aman's name, trying to think coherently through the muddled thoughts racing through his mind.

"Aman?" His voice was hushed, yet the desperation in it clear.

"Yes sir. I'm just working..." Aman tried to explain, thinking that Arnav had called to inquire about Arundathi again.

"Shut up Aman!" He growled, trying really hard to keep his voice low. He took another deep breath in, calming his anger, this was not the time for it. "Aman, listen carefully. I need to you to work quickly okay," he could finally see the plan unfolding in his mind. His eyes were a solid shade of brown, as he watched Aakash again. "Take out your other phone and dial Aakash's number," he instructed Aman.

"But sir?" Aman questioned, slightly confused.

"Just do it Aman!" He belowed into the phone, finally loosing the minuscule amount of control he had held within him. Aakash turned around suddenly and Arnav's eyes widened for a fraction of a second as he moved back against the tree again. "Shit!"

Aman did what he was told, he was used to working with Arnav and therefore receiving half explained instructions frequently. Quickly grabbing his other phone he dialled Aakash's number and held it to his other ear.

Arnav peeked out again as a baffled Aakash stopped looking his way and suddenly at his phone, then pressing a button shoved it back in his pocket again.

"Sir he's not picking up."

"I know try again! Keep trying till he picks up!" Arnav instructed once more, his voice a harsh whisper. He peeked out from behind the tree again, his heart knocking off of his ribs as he attempted to gulp down the fear and finally a slow smile spread over his lips as relief washed over him in seeing Aakash finally take a few steps back from the door, placing the phone to his ear. Before Aman could say anything and ruin the plan altogether he began uttering his plan through the phone. "Pretend you can't hear him. Ask him where he is, that there's an important meeting today and Aakash is required to be there. Keep on pretending not to hear him, ask him to move away from wherever he is as he doesn't seem to be getting good reception."

Aman nodded, quickly responding to the commands. "Mr Aakash?"

Aakash rolled his eyes in exasperation. What the hell was wrong with these people? "Yes who else would it be, why the hell are you disturbing me?" He exclaimed, taking a few steps away from the large glass door and an idea had just struck him as well.

"Sir? Where are you? You are needed for an urgent meeting!"

"What?!" Aakash exclaimed, "but as far as I knew there weren't any planned for today!" Panic overtook his mind as he thought through it. If Arnav found out that he was not at the meeting then he'd surely catch onto Aakash.

"Yes sir, it just got changed to today. Sir? Sir? Hello? Hello? I can't seem to hear you properly. Where are you? Would you be able to move to somewhere with better reception?"

"What? Oh!" Of course network would be bad, he was on roaming. He took a few more steps back. "Can you hear me now?"

"Sir? Hello? Hello?" Aman continued to pretend as per Arnav's instructions.

Arnav breathed a deep sigh of relief as Aakash finally took several steps back then turned around and walked off towards the other parking lot. Waiting till he had moved out of sight, Arnav quickly dashed to the back of the building, resting himself against the grey wall. There should be some sort of entrance or emergency exit at the back, every building in Britain was designed in a similar fashion. He hoped upon hope that one of them would be open. It was a dazzlingly sunny day and that meant open fire escapes, well in most places anyway. He vaguely remembered Khushi mentioning a warning earlier, with regards to leaving them open. Arnav shuffled along the wall, his bare arms grazing over the harsh surface , then having traveled a few feet he pushed himself off of the wall, moving into the centre of the back area. Concrete building upon building, there was another block below him, a staircase to the left leading down to it. He had to squint slightly as the bright rays of the sun assaulted his view. The back of the building Khushi worked in cornered off, turning it into an open square and there right in the corner was an open grey door.

He waited for his eyes to adjust to the bright lights overhead, alighting the narrow corridor. His feet tapped off of the blue laminate floor, the light lilac walls reflecting off of the light. He walked quickly, passing by several polished wooden doors with keypad entry that aligned the corridor, each one with a number and a name. He kept walking, looking for a break in the corridor that would lead into the atrium of the building, all the while hoping that Aman was keeping Aakash occupied. He tried Khushi's phone again, but to no avail. And that's when it occurred to him, he had been too busy arranging his plan to actually enter the building that he had forgotten he didn't know which room Khushi worked in. Rapidly loosing hope, he turned around, attempting to come up with another strategy. Too many thoughts, plans, fears, emotions were surging through him for him to think clearly, he was finding it increasingly difficult to arrange his thoughts. This was all his fault! Turning back around again he commenced walking forward once more, maybe he could find another employee and just ask if they knew a Khushi Kumari Gupta. Yes that would work. He saw a push door looming up in front of him, yes that would have to lead onto another corridor. He stopped in front of it, there was a large gold plaque next to it, little rectangular blocks cut out of it with room numbers and floors pasted in black letters on each one, but his eyes fell onto something else altogether. He stared at the little read box with a black centre and red button in the middle for a few seconds. It would be the easiest way to get her out of the building and in the midst of the crowd even Aakash would find it difficult to find her. He looked up to the large sign board, taking in the direction for the atrium, which was marked to be just in front of him. He knew from Khushi's numerous complaints that the only way out for all employees would be through the atrium and then of course the emergency door he had come in through, he'd find her inside somewhere. His eyes fell to the little red square once again, "smash glass in case of emergency," he didn't have a blunt object with him and didn't have the time to find one. Closing his eyes for a mere second and taking a deep breath in he sent his fist crashing through the glass and the whole building irrupted into chaos instantly.


Arundathi crouched behind a tree, catching her breath. She could feel her throat constricting, it was dry and parched and even breathing was now painful. Her legs felt like they would fall off any second, but she had to continue, she had lost them for now but it wouldn't be long before they found her again. Her breathing was loud and ragged as she took in huge gulps of air, her heart raced away, too loud in her ears. They had injected her with a sedative every time she had come around, but then last night they had just kept her tied up and whilst the man guarding her, the one with the scar had fallen asleep she had managed to undo the ropes tied around her wrists and then her legs. She didn't know for how long she had been held captive, her legs had felt like lead when she had first attempted to get out of the room she had been kept in. She stood up suddenly, needing to continue her escape. She didn't know where she was yet but she would continue running till she saw a sign, that's if she saw the sign. Moving behind the tree she ran into an area where the trees were denser, yet the lights from the main road still streaked through, barely enough for her to run through without stumbling on her every step. Her feet rustled against fallen leaves as she ran in the dark, she could tell she was bleeding from all sorts of places but she would continue till she could get away.

"There she's there, I think I can see her!" The loud voice boomed through her ears, an all but familiar voice, possibly the man with the scar, she had seen too much of him lately, heard too much of his voice. Panic rose in the pits of her stomach as she momentarily lost her pace, she looked back, they were still miles away but suddenly her foot caught against something and she rocked forward, her hands flaying out on her sides as she attempted to reach for something to hold onto. Her blood curdling scream filled the atmosphere as she fell to the ground with a loud thud.


Aakash rolled his eyes in frustration. What the hell was wrong with this man? Why was Aman briefing him about a meeting that he would not be able to attend?!

"Sir, are you listening? We need to impress them, so maybe arrange another fashion show. I can't seem to contact ASR otherwise I would be able to finalise things with him," Aman continued, adding in any random idea that occurred to him.

"Aman but I won't be able to attend, I'm currently not in Delhi. Okay I'll call you later. Bye!" Aakash finally cut off the phone, he didn't have time for such nonsense. Arnav wasn't going to remain alive for him to find out anyway. He returned his phone to his pocket and was about to turn around when someone slammed past him into the car park and his eyes nearly popped out of his sockets as he turned around. People were hurriedly walking out of the building, then on listening closer he heard the repeated sound of a fire alarm going off. Great! One more thing getting in the way. But then wait, this meant he could catch Khushi quicker, no need to come up with stupid plans to get into the building, a slow snarl crept up his face as he realised how easy it would actually be.


"Oh for godsake! This is pathetic!" Khushi complained, stuffing her notebook and pen into her bag.

"I know right? Why the hell is it going off anyway? I can't smell anything on fire?" Her friend Ashleigh added, sniffing at the air around her.

Khushi rolled her eyes to the heavens in irritation, "Urgh it's probably someones hairspray or bodyspray or some sort of spray," she continued as she scuffled over to the stairs, joining the masses of other people that seemed to be heading for the atrium. "You know even if there was a fire, we'd probably be dead by the time we got out through the two doors of that god damn atrium!" She exclaimed taking her phone out and her eyes widened instantly. Ashleigh must have replied but she didn't hear it, the hammering of her heart too loud in her ears. There were twelve missed calls from Arnav. "Shit!" She exclaimed to herself. Fear overtook her immediately, was something wrong? Had something happened to him? She increased her pace, leaving her friend behind as she pushed through the people on the stairs, putting her phone to her ear. She couldn't hear anything over all of the commotion. She'd have to get out quickly, then call again, she could feel it now, something was wrong.


Arnav ran through the corridor, through another push door. "Shit!" He had looked at the map, it wasn't supposed to be this confusing. Was he lost? He couldn't afford to be lost. He skidded to a stop, his shoes sliding off of the laminate floor then spun around abruptly and began to run back the other way, maybe he'd missed a door.


"Hey Khushi! Where did you disappear to?" Ashleigh questioned as Khushi spun around slightly surprised to face her.

"Oh! Erm I just lost you in the crowd," she mumbled, her heart still thudding away in her chest. She tried to calm down but there was a storm rising inside her. "Excuse me yeh Ash," she mumbled and giving Ashleigh a small smile turned away from the main doors where a queue had now developed, she walked to the other end. There was a fire exit there, she'd be able to get out that way. She pressed Arnav's number again and put the phone to her ear. "Pick up the phone Arnav!"

...And that's it! Mwaha! :P
So yeh please please do leave comments! 

Friday 10 August 2012

Chapter 21 - Our Heartbeats in a Distant Storm

Hello my lovelies! 

Yep pretty quick update. Even I'm impressed :P. This update is slightly shorter than some of my previous ones and a couple more of the future ones will be similar in length. I want to keep the suspense going you see ;) until the next twist arrives of course. I know I know slow torture, but hey there won't be that many ;).

 What’s coming will come, and we’ll meet it when it does. - J K Rowling, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire  

"Arnav get up!" Exclaimed Khushi opening the curtains and letting a sliver of sunshine hover over his face, and watched, a slow smile spreading over her face as he frowned in his sleep. He moved his hand over his face, covering away from it.

"Go away you freak! Let me sleep," he spoke with his eyes still closed, his voice groggy with sleep.

Scrunching her face and growling at him for a few seconds she stamped over to him, her hands clenched with annoyance at her sides then pulled the cover off. "Get up sleepy head!" She screamed glowering into his bewildered eyes.

"What is wrong with you? I'm not going to work! You are! Go away!" He protested attempting to pull the cover back out of her hands, on several failed tugs, the annoyance increasing in his face, he suddenly looked to her irritated face. The beauty of it dazzling him momentarily, her perfectly shaped arched eyebrows, her milky white skin decorated with a tinge of blush to the cheeks, her tender lips drawn into a line, the straight black strands of hair falling over her face as she continued to growl at him. And a sudden rush of pride spread through him knowing that she was his and his entirely. His hand slowly went around her small fist that continued to hold onto the sheet, her eyes followed as she looked at his hand slightly confused but her body had already collided with his hard chest before she realised what had happened, her face only a mere centimeter away from his smirking face. She stared back at him incredulously, his pools of melted chocolate creating havoc on her mind for a second.

"Arnavv," she finally managed to mumble. "Shhh," he murmured back, his lips already on hers, moving to a now familiar rhythm and she lost her self in it momentarily, her eyes closing of their own accord as she reveled in his warmth, his love, the boy she had fell in love with and the man that was finally hers. His fingers combed through her hair as he deepened the kiss, his tongue plunging into the confines of her mouth, dwelling in every corner of it, the sweetness of her seeping through his every pore. His other hand slowly trailed over her back, cradling her waist in it, then hugging her body to his, turned her over, not breaking away for a second, her soft, delicate lips molding to his in every way. Her hands trailed around his neck as she sunk into the soft mattress, his muscular chest against her, as her fingers trailed through his soft, messy hair, as she lost herself in the sensation of it completely. Her hands trembled slightly as she traced them down his back then landed on the tiny strip of flesh between his shirt and his pants, her heart beat at too fast a rhythm that now it was almost painful, when she begun to push his shirt up, the warmth of his flesh sending currents through her. His breath quickened too, as his hands slid away from her waist up to her neckline, his thumbs tracing the outlines of her clavicles then down to the material of her blouse fingering the edges of it, slowly opening the first button. She let out a slow moan, her fingers clutching to the bare skin of his back.

And as abruptly as it had started she pulled back, the quiet vibration of Arnav's phone on the desk bringing her back to her senses. He watched her eyes for a while, a little bewildered at her sudden reaction, then following her gaze finally noticed the screen of his phone lighting up, the sound of it almost inaudible through his heart beat which seemed to echo through his ears. Rolling his eyes he quickly climbed off of her and sat himself at the edge of the bed, clenching his jaw and sighing loudly in irritation. "Aman! Of course!" He muttered sliding the phone on as Khushi fixed her top button, then her hair, her cheeks flushed, her heart beat still not back to normal then quickly slid off of the bed. He turned his head, watching her perfect little figure, smirking to himself, completely missing out on what Aman was saying.

"Sir! Sir? Sir are you listening to me?" Aman's voice was urgent on the other end of the phone. "Sir?!" He tried once more.

Arnav shook himself out of it, what was wrong with him? "Sorry Aman, yes what is it?" He questioned, the irritation clear in his voice.

"Sir it's Arundathi, the thing is erm..." Aman struggled.

Arnav's eyes widened instantly and the colour drained out of his face as he listened to what Aman had called to say.


Her finger grazed over something sharp and she felt her skin tear against it, the blood that flowed out warm against her shivering cold skin. She closed her eyes momentarily, taking another deep breathe in, attempting to calm down her frantic heart beat. She moved blindly against what seemed like a wall, her feet banging off of it every so often. She didn't know where she was but she knew it was somewhere underground. She could hear the drip drip of water somewhere far off. Her knee banged off of something all of a sudden and a low groan of pain escaped through her lips and she froze to the spot as it clattered to the floor, the sound of it echoing several times around the room.


"Mr Aakash Singh Raizada?" Questioned the woman, she was tiny in appearance, her shortness emphasised by her cropped hair, which was graying in several places. Her specs were placed mid-way down her nose and she pushed them up with her index finger as she looked up at Aakash, a bored expression to her face. "So what brings you here?" She asked the same question for what must have been the umpteenth time that day.

Frowning Aakash looked down at her, he had spent hours sitting in a flight only to get off and be held back longer by yet another inconvenience. This was why he hated Arnav. The bastard! He flew on private jets, paraded around with the money that should essentially belong to Aakash and managed to get away unscathed from every plan that was formed against him. Well his luck was rapidly running out and Aakash was already planning a celebration.

"Sir?" Her cold voice finally broke through to him.

"Yes yes sorry. Just business," he stated calmly, smiling at her.

"Okay," she mumbled appraising him for a few seconds then stamped his passport.

Aakash finally stepped out of the airport into the fresh air of Aberdeen, a slow snarl creeping up his face. Arundathi was currently not answering her phone but he'd find her, then him and that bitch Khushi and kill them both.

Arnav sat in his SUV outside Khushi's office building, his fingers tapping against the steering wheel as music blared out of the speakers, the whole car pulsating to it's beat, with the exception of his own pulses, which were currently running hay-wire. He rested his head against the head rest, the cool air of the air-conditioner doing nothing to calm his mind. He didn't need to be here, she wasn't in danger yet but this was for his own satisfaction. Knowing what had happened, what was going to happen he couldn't sit in her flat and wait. He thumped his fist off of the centre of the wheel. "Damn it!" For the first time in his life he didn't know what to do next. He cursed himself for not having thought through things quicker. He had gotten too carried away, lost his bearings for a while. And now suddenly, everything was at the brink of blowing up, bursting up into flames. "Think Arnav think!" He spoke to himself through gritted teeth, his jaw set and a storm raging through his charred caramel eyes.

He continued to stare into the distance, willing his mind to come up with something to get themselves out of this. He watched as a ferry slowly came into view, from the tiny blotch it had been only minutes ago, the blue glistening waves around it sparkling off of the rays of the sun. And that's when he saw him, his tall form, maybe an inch taller than himself, the pair of specks he recognised all too well. The profile was gradually getting clearer and he didn't need to watch anymore to convince himself who it was. He'd have to move faster than he had anticipated. Arnav clicked the door open, and stepping out of the car swiftly, clicked it shut  gently, making sure not to make much noise. Leaning his body against the car for a second he watched as Aakash moved towards the main entrance, the hairs on his body standing up from the fear that momentarily crippled his mind. Locking his car quickly he dashed behind a large tree, his fingers already pressing her name on his phone. He rested his back against it, peeking out to look at a rapidly moving Aakash, praying to God that Khushi picked up.

~ If you’re going through hell, keep going – Winston Churchill ~

Please do leave your comments! Going to add another thank you for all the love that you have shown and all of the support! Thank you! I love you guys! xxx

Tuesday 7 August 2012

Chapter 20 - Release...

Chapter 20, I started off this FF planning to have exactly this in my 20th chapter. But as the story continued I honestly didn't think it would end up happening. But here you go, it's worked out perfectly, so I'm really happy.
Sorry it is a slightly long chapter but I didn't want to break it into two parts.

People have scars. In all sorts of unexpected places. Like secret roadmaps of their personal histories. Diagrams of all their old wounds. Most of our wounds heal, leaving nothing behind but a scar. But some of them don’t. Some wounds we carry with us everywhere and though the cut is long gone, the pain still lingers. – Meredith, Grey’s Anatomy

"Khushi," he walked into her room, the rays of the morning sun piercing through the opening in the curtains, "aren't you going to talk to your bauji?" He watched her as she straightened the last few strands of her hair, pretending not to have heard what he had said, her lips in a thin line. He walked towards her and placed his hands on her shoulder, standing behind her facing the mirror. "Khushi, avoiding the question won't help anyone," he mumbled close to her ear, his voice concerned yet understanding. He knew that Khushi thrived on all of her relationships and that although she kept up her pretences she would soon break apart again from this severed relationship. He watched her face through the mirror as it fell then she recovered again, creating a disinterested face. 

"Arnav I've told you I'm not talking to him. I've made up my mind," she walked away, avoiding his eyes. 

He placed his hand on her shoulder again and sliding it down her arm slowly turned her around. "Khushi, just talk to him once, he's still your father," he spoke softly, moving a tendril of her hair back and tucking it behind her ear. She continued to keep her gaze down away from him and her lips trembled ever so slightly as she tried to keep her nonchalance up. "I'm sure he didn't expect any of this to happen," he continued but to no avail. She continued to keep her eyes distant as if she was barely paying attention to what he was saying. "Okay, well think about it," he finally mumbled resting his palm on her cheek and kissing her forehead tenderly. He couldn't force her, maybe she would come around in her own time.

Her heart yearned to talk with her father but she couldn't displace the betrayal. How he had literally sold her off for his own gain. She couldn't get over the fact that her life seemed to be worth so little and no excuse seemed enough to justify that. At the back of her mind she thought she should be grateful, that at least he had brought up an orphan as his own and she was compelled to believe that maybe that had been her time to pay back the debt. She closed her eyes momentarily, taking in a deep breath as she attempted to stop tears from falling. 

"Okay okay jaan, I'm sorry," he whispered, his lips still against her forehead. "Don't you need to go to work?" She nodded back, sighing deeply and putting her arms around him hugged him, laying her head against his chest. 


"Sir we can't keep on giving her sedatives," Aman repeated for the second time to a very unresponsive Arnav. 

Arnav scrunched his eyes shut and pinched the skin between his brows, unable to find any way out. How was he to keep Arundathi away, keep Khushi safe but not kill Arundathi in the process. It's not like he hadn't considered murder, but maybe those morals were still intact. She had still brought him up, taken him in and for that he would forever be indebted. And maybe a part of his heart still refused to find fault in her and only blamed himself. There were times when he was younger he had considered dying better, he had questioned why his mother had died leaving him alive to pay off her deeds. But then he didn't know what kind of person his mother had been, what had happened and he would never know the complete story. 

A memory:
"Arundathi! Do you mind telling me why Arnav has a split lip and why he seems so distant lately?" Avinash's voice was stern, commanding as he took a hold of Arundathi's arm and spun her around to him. Arnav watched from behind the doorway, not sure of what to feel as she flinched in pain. "Avinash let me go!" She exclaimed, her eyes dark and glowering. "Why the hell are you asking me?! He must have fell and hurt himself somewhere," she rolled her eyes in defiance and removing his hand from hers attempted to walk away only to be stopped by him again. "Arundathi look at me when I'm talking to you! Don't give me half-formed answers! You and I both know very well that that isn't something you get from falling over. And this isn't the first time, every time I come back he's got some sort of bruise and these days he hardly ever talks to anyone. Just mopes about the place, he doesn't eat on time and he almost jumps out of his skin when someone so much as speaks to him!" He trailed off, the concern for his eldest son spilling out of him in a frenzy of words. Arnav felt a slight inkling of happiness as he listened on, the feeling that at least someone cared and then the feeling that maybe his mother would get told off today for hurting him, the silent yearning of a child for a little justice, but what followed suddenly brought his world crashing down. He watched in horror as Arundathi turned around suddenly, her face evil and contorted and her sudden change even caused Avinash to take a few steps back. "Well Avinash he is not my son!" She finally screamed out. "You should be thankful that I brought your useless good for nothing mistake into this house! And I don't give a damn whether he lives or dies! His purpose has been fulfilled and he can get to hell for all I care!" She exclaimed, her voice cutting and harsh as Avinash's eyes widened in shock as to the degree of cruelty his wife seemed to display. He closed his eyes momentarily, cursing himself inwardly for his moment of weakness, "Arundathi he is just a child," his voice was almost pleading. "Well he is not my child!" Arnav felt tears fill his eyes then fall down in a stream as his whole life suddenly came crumbling down in front of him. She wasn't his mother, her words her actions suddenly made a lot more sense. Who was he then? 

A memory (a few years later):
He stopped suddenly as he walked past the doorway with a book in hand, another argument was breaking off between his father and Arundathi. As he grew up the arguments had increased, his father had started staying away from home for longer amounts of time and Arnav constantly made attempts to not be around. He started spending more time in the library, or started going to his fathers office if he had nothing better to do. Curiosity got the better of him and he stood behind the pillar outside the door, listening in. Of course it would be about him, it always was. Somewhere at the back of his mind he even felt happy, that at least he was important to be talked about on a daily basis. "Arundathi don't you dare think that you can blame me alone for my actions!" Avinash threatened, standing behind a fuming Arundathi. "Oh and I'm to blame for you sleeping with that whore?!" She screamed turning around suddenly, her eyes bloodshot and furious. Avinash's face contorted to one of ruthless rage suddenly and he took a hold of her arm and twisted it behind her back, pulling her body towards his. "Shut up!" He growled, "if you and your scheming mother hadn't instigated my mother and broke off my marriage to Naina none of this would have happened!" He growled through gritted teeth. "I told you the day we got married and I'm telling you now! I have and always will love Naina and I will always regret being too much of a coward for giving you her place! You can never see anyone else happy and this is why Arundathi you will never be happy!"

And like that he only had little snippets of information about his mother; that she was his fathers only love, that she had been beautiful, that she had loved relentlessly. But she had left him and no matter how much his father had argued over him with Arundathi, it hadn't helped anyone and in the end he too had gone. 

"Sir? Sir? Are you okay? Can you hear me?" Aman's voice suddenly broke Arnav out of his reverie. 

"Yes Aman sorry. I honestly don't know what to do with her," he sighed, "just keep her tied up and occupied or something for now whilst I think of something," he mumbled quickly, then hearing the door click open quickly cut off the call. 


"Arnav," she touched the muscular expanse of his skin, the darkened scars almost faded completely. His eyes widened slightly as he felt her finger trace lines down his back, down paths that he refused to re-visit at the worst of times. And he attempted to move away and quickly put his shirt on, but she turned him around towards herself, her golden orbs peering into his face and he had to look down to keep up his composure. 

"Arnav what are those scars?" She questioned as he continued to look away, his brows knitted together, the expression on his face unrecognizable. "Arnav?" She tried again, holding his arm.

"Erm, it's nothing, just old scars," he dismissed, his voice quiet, "anyway get ready for dinner," he said finally looking at her and smiling, the reminder and the deep-rooted nature of the scars carefully masked. Then finally putting the shirt on walked out of the bedroom as Khushi watched on curiously at Arnav, his head slightly bowed down. Something was wrong and she wanted to know. Things were finally going well in her life but if he had problems she wanted to know them too. Coming to think about it now, she knew very little about his past. 

He looked up as she walked into the room and cocked up an eyebrow, "Khushi aren't you going to get changed?" He questioned, there was still a rough edge to his face as the reminder of his scars brought back haunting memories and he desperately tried to shove them to the back of his mind. His eyes raised to hers and their gazes clashed, blazing caramel slowly glazing over against scorching hazel.

She took in his haggard expression, the scars on his back replaying over her mind, clawing at her thoughts and then his reaction to the mention of them. As though even though the scars were very old, touching them still hurt him. She was at his side within seconds, sitting herself next to him, she placed her palm on the side of his face as his eyes followed, then swung back to her face, slightly confused. "Do you want to talk about it sweetheart?" She questioned quietly, not wanting to force information out of him.

Watching her for several more seconds he sighed deeply, it was time. Sending his arm around her he brought her closer to himself as she tucked in her legs and snuggled into him. He closed his eyes for a few seconds, his jaw set and his hands clenched as he leaned his forehead against hers, "they are belt marks," he mumbled quietly, his voice an almost inaudible whisper. She moved back from him suddenly, her eyes widening in horror, but his eyes were distant as he looked towards a blank space on the wall. His fingers were tight on her skin, as if he was clutching on for dear life. "I.. I've had them since I was a kid," he stated, his voice breaking slightly. Her fingers clutched onto his shirt, "Aru...Arun," she struggled, her voice shaking with horror. She watched as he nodded slowly, still looking away, "Arundathi," he finished off the name for her, the mention of it not evoking any emotion within him. "You know Khushi for years I wondered why I was treated with such venom, why my own mother would trample all over me every opportunity she got and one day I found out," he gulped down tears as he continued, gradually detaching himself from everything that he felt. "And for a while I remember running away from it, convincing myself that I'd dreamt it all, but with it everything made sense. When papa wasn't there I wasn't allowed to eat with the rest of the family, I wasn't allowed to come out of my room unless I was required, I... I," he closed his eyes, trying to shun the pain of talking through it again. She sent her hand around his arm, tears streaking down her own face as she leaned against him, listening to him finally narrate a story he had hidden for too long. How his every word seemed painful, his constant heart-ache.

"I grew up constantly feeling unwanted, a disgusting painful reminder, a child conceived from a mistake, unloved, unneeded. And I was always reminded, I wasn't allowed to do well for myself, my every effort discouraged. And in the end I started hiding everything, my life became a dark mess." His hand encased hers now, as she slowly caressed his arm with her thumb and he continued to stare into blank space, his eyes glazed over, exhaling heavily every so often to keep his tears at bay.

And when at last you find someone to whom you feel you can pour out your soul, you stop in shock at the words you utter – they are so rusty, so ugly, so meaningless and feeble from being kept in the small cramped dark inside you so long. - Sylvia Plath


"And then I came here and it helped as I finally had the opportunity to distance myself from it all. And there began a time when I tried to bury it all under excuses I could find, anything I could find. Alcohol, women, books, everything, I tried! But I couldn't and I formed this wall around myself, not letting anyone in. Too many things had happened for me to forget. The scars, not the physical ones, they soon faded but the ones left on my mind were unavoidable. But then you arrived," he turned towards her finally, his drowning chocolate brown eyes piercing into her own, the slow trace of a smile forming on his face and she moved her hand to his cheek once more, resting it there, urging for him to continue. He placed his own hand on her cheek, his fingers tender against her skin. "And you brought with you a happiness that I had never felt before and for too long a time I kept falling, kept falling through the happy bubble you created," he smiled softly at her. "But then papa fell ill and it all came crashing down again, and reality dawned back on me," his voice was a hoarse whisper now, more cracked as he struggled to stay strong, she nodded as more tears streamed down her face as she willed for him to continue, let it all out. "And I realised that I was never made to be loved, I didn't want you to know my ugly world, so I began distancing myself from you," he scrunched his eyes shut again and looked away, his hands falling from her face as she watched, her eyes widening again as his agony flashed through his eyes, every feature of his face. "I knew I could never give you the happiness that you deserved," her fingers slipped off of his face and clung to his shirt as she shook her head, trying to speak, her throat too dry to form words. "A.. Arnav that's not true," she managed to mumble, fresh tears gathering and dropping down her cheeks, "how could you..." She stopped mid-sentence as he turned towards her suddenly, his face taunt in determination. "Khushi don't you see," he suddenly exclaimed, his voice loud again, "don't you see this is all because of me? Aakash! Arundathi! Your father! Can't you see that I'm responsible?!" He exclaimed, causing her to stare at him dumbfounded at the sudden irruption of anger. "Can't you see the consequences my life has had on you?" He screamed standing up abruptly. But she was on her feet too, cupping his face in her hands she watched him for a second, anger, pain, regret all flickering through his face, sending her hand around his head she pulled him in to her embrace, bending his head on to her shoulder as she sent her other arm around his back. "Arnav can't you see that I'd forsake everything for you? That the purity of your heart is worth more than anything to me? That I'd give up everything."

"But I don't want you to!" He cut in, pulling out of her embrace, his pained eyes dark and determined. "I don't want you giving things up for me! I don't want the ugly shadows of my life on yours!"

"But I've already decided!" Her words were equally adamant as she looked straight at him. "Arnav I don't think you realise that if something happened to you I would rather give my life than stay alive. That you are what keeps me going, that I feel more than lost without you. I love you and you entirely and I don't care for any consequences," her words were a broken flurry as she spoke through her tears.

"But Khushi..." He tried only for her fingers to quickly fall on his lips, "Shh, Arnav I love you, that's all that matters," she mumbled as she pressed her forehead against his, her other hand trailing through his hair. "We love each other and that's all that matters," she whispered, placing her lips on his, pulling him into a slow passionate kiss. His arms slowly went round her, as he pressed her body to his, his lips weaving against hers, as their kiss ignited with their emotions, as she took in his misery, his every insecurity, his every nightmare and she vowed to fill his life with happiness, to always stand by a man who had broken down all his walls for her and the boy within him that had been through too much.

~ I love you. Remember. They cannot take it. – Lauren Oliver, Delirium ~

Monday 6 August 2012

Chapter 19 - As Our Heart Beats Become One

Taking it a little lightly in this one. The last few chapters created havoc on my mind :P. So a light-hearted chapter for the weekend ;) xx

~ I love her and that’s the beginning and end of everything. – F. Scott Fitzgerald ~

"I can feel a cold coming on," Arnav moaned making a face as he reversed into her parking lot.

Khushi watched him frowning, "Arnav shut up! You can't feel yourself getting a cold!"

"Yes you can, well I can! Obviously your senses don't work very well," he stated looking at her as she made a face at him. "Okay whatever," he said rolling his eyes, not wanting to annoy her too much.

"Yeh whatever! You aren't getting a cold you're just weird!"She stated whilst throwing a glare at him then proceeded to open the door but suddenly stopped when she saw him still sitting there with the engine on. Was he not coming with her? Would he leave her again? Her thoughts became a flurry again as she processed this. Had he just confessed to make her happy and then decided to leave without telling her?

He watched her as several emotions flitted through her face, creases forming on her forehead as she thought through something, "what's wrong Khushi?" He questioned immediately, his voice gentle and filled with concern as he placed his palm on her face, peering into troubled golden eyes.

"Are you leaving?" She finally managed to mumble out, her lips trembling slightly, her hand on his.

He looked down, realisation dawning on him. She didn't trust him and he couldn't blame her, gulping down the tormenting guilt that rose through him he attempted a slight smile, then looked back into the depths of her eyes. "I'll come back, I just need to go get a few things," he reassured softly.

"And what if you do just leave?" Her voice was timid, tiny tears ebbing their way to the edge of her eyes.

"Khushi I won't," he smiled gently and took her hand into his, entwining his fingers between hers, "I promise," his caramel orbs unwavering.

She watched his eyes, watching to see if he was hiding anything but all she saw was clarity, unclouded truth and she wanted to believe him. Shut up her questioning mind. He hadn't left, he hadn't let her down yet. So she didn't have a reason to doubt him did she? "Okay," she finally nodded, her voice still just above an audible whisper and let herself out as he watched her slender form, the fabric of her top still clinging to her smooth skin.

As he drove off watching her still standing at her door through his side mirror he felt his insides clench with the guilt coursing through him. Everything was wrong yet still right. His excuses seemed too small, his actions too cowardly. Watching her pain, her sudden insecurities and her almost unquestioning acceptance he felt he couldn't forgive himself. He'd possibly unknowingly pushed her Aakash's way, associated himself to her and made her a target for Arundathi. And maybe minutes before he'd done the only right thing he had ever done when it came to Khushi. To put into words what he would put himself through to protect her, how much he loved her was impossible. He was still unsure if he was being selfish, if he had let her go on without him wouldn't she have picked up the pieces and eventually moved on? Was it because he'd known that he'd never be able to move on? And would these questions always haunt him? Yes he had an answer for that, they always would, he'd possibly always wonder if his step today had been right. He slammed his hand off of the steering wheel, damn it! Why was it this difficult?!


Garima picked up on the first ring, she'd fallen asleep next to the phone and had continued to sit next to it once she'd woken up. She hadn't wanted to call up Khushi herself, wanting to give her daughter some space and she put the phone to her ear hoping to Devi Mayya that it would be Khushi.

"Amma?" There was a liveliness to her voice that had been absent the day before and for a second Garima couldn't help but think that Khushi was finally okay.

"Yes bitiya, tell me."

"Amma I just called to say that I'm okay," she smiled into the phone, picking up the discarded pieces of tissue from the night before with her free hand and walking towards the kitchen. The light smell of newly laundered clothes, her conditioner that she used a bit too much of relaxing her mind all the more.

Garima felt relief flood through her and closed her eyes thanking Devi Mayya, still slightly confused as to this sudden change but able to tell that the joy being dispelled by her angel was genuine. "Aw Khushi bitiya you don't know how happy that makes me. I'm so glad..." She felt her voice break from the grateful tears that brimmed in her eyes, "I'm so glad you're okay bitiya."

"Amma don't cry," Khushi gently pacified her mother, warm tears bubbling in her own eyes. "I erm," she formed her words gulping down her own tears, "I'm starting work tomorrow morning, so all is well in Khushi land," she spoke through a tear-filled smile attempting to change the subject.

"Khushi that's great," Garima mumbled through the tears, the joy that she felt for her daughter spilling out of her eyes.

Khushi formed more words to say when she heard a light knock on her door and felt her heart begin to soar once more, "okay Amma I think Arnav's at the door," she chimed quickly, "I'll talk to you later. Love you!"

"Okay bitiya, take care. I love you too!" Garima smiled to herself as she ended the call. So this was Arnav's doing, she didn't know what he'd done but she knew that if god forbid there came a day when any harm were to threaten Arnav, she would be the first shield standing in front of him.

"Is Khushi okay now?" She turned around on hearing the gruff voice of her husband, her features immediately turning to one of distaste.

"Yes she is no thanks to you!" She replied crudely then began to walk off.

"Garima... You know I never meant to harm her," he began his voice raw and cracked, but she held up her hand, signalling that she did not want to hear anymore.

"Shashi stop!" She threatened turning around, glaring, "I don't want to hear another word! I don't want to know!" She felt her bottled up anger irrupting suddenly, "I'm going to say ignorance is bliss here and demand that you not give me an explanation, because no explanation will be enough! So instead of letting you explain to me what in your right mind compelled you to put your daughters life in jeopardy, attempt to marry her off to a man she did not love, I'm going to ask to be left alone for now!" Her words were cutting and devoid of any emotions. When it came to her daughter even her husband did not matter anymore. She watched as Shashi nodded to himself, as if that had been what he'd expected all along and walked off.


"You look like a drowned rat!" She exclaimed opening the door wider, the widest of smiles planted firmly on her face, her insecurities gradually fading away, at least for the time being.

"Aw no! And I thought I looked all sexy wet," he remarked edging past her with a dozen bags.

"Don't worry Raizada you still look sexy, just drowned-rat sexy," she replied cheekily as she followed behind him, to which he turned around and made a face then continued into the kitchen. "Do you mind not flooding my kitchen and tell me what all this stuff is?" She added in as he walked around sorting through the bags.

"Food," he stated blankly then leaving the bags on the kitchen top, walked back out into her bedroom.

"Arnav where are you going?" She questioned, slightly irritated at the fact that he was just floating about her house.

"Do you still have my clothes?" He asked furrowing his brows as he pulled at things in her wardrobe. Khushi's eyes widened for a second and she quickly looked away from his questioning gaze, "erm yeh hold on I'll get them," she mumbled quickly then hurried out of the room. She had been adamant on removing every little detail of him yesterday. She'd folded up his clothes that stayed in her house and placed them in a bag in her spare room and her fingers trembled against the small zip as she started pulling it open. She heard him enter, his footsteps still slightly splotchy from the rain and gulped down the regret filled tears that threatened to break out. "I.. er.. I," her voice was quivering and she closed her eyes momentarily taking in a deep breath to stop the tears from falling out.

"Khushii..." Arnav took Khushi's hand into his and she turned around to face his chocolate brown eyes, muddied by his inner turmoil. "Khushi it's okay," he smiled lightly, his voice gentle whilst he leaned over and took the bag from her then took out some of his things.

"Arnav I didn't. I just wanted," She struggled, looking away, all her problems resurfacing suddenly and she felt as if she would break down once more.

"Hey Khushi," he whispered, holding her chin and tilting it up towards himself, "Khushi it's okay," he tried once more then as his words failed him pulled her into another warm embrace, placing a tender kiss on her hair. "We'll go about everything slowly okay? We'll sort everything out," his voice was calm and compassionate as he spoke into her hair. She clung onto him, her nails digging into the flesh of his back, through the still soaking shirt. As warm tears trailed out of her eyes once more she nodded against his chest, glad that at least he was there for her.

Slowly moving her out of his embrace, holding her gently by the shoulder he watched her golden brown eyes, glistening with tears and he traced a finger down their path, wiping them away. She looked so helpless, her slightly bloodshot eyes, her pink cheeks and button nose, her quivering delicate lips and all he wanted to do was hide her in his embrace for the rest of his life.

Her eyes flitted away from his fiery caramel spheres, unable to handle his penetrating gaze, down his chiseled nose to his full lips, the way the corners pulled up into to the tiniest of smiles, heart warming and reassuring in its essence. And her eyes started closing of their own accord as he moved in closer, her mind travelling back to a distant memory. A quiet starless night, slightly drunk, him against her, his lips inches away and then her first heartbreak. How it had snapped in two, she still pictured the yearning in her eyes and the way he had walked away from it all and her breath quickened as she feared history would repeat itself. Her heart hammered away in her chest as his arm went around her waist and he pulled her towards him, her body moulding against his, her chest heaving against his in an awkward rhythm, his warm breath on her face. And the images kept on playing through her mind, his shocked eyes, the way he'd let go of her hand and she desperately tried to get rid of them. But suddenly they were all replaced as his lips fell on hers the touch like a flame igniting, rushing its warmth through her blood. He was hesitant at first, his fingers almost clutching at her skin, through the space were her top lifted up slightly but his fears gradually were put to rest as she reacted, her lips almost fervent against his. His other hand moved from her shoulder to the nape of her neck as her hand moved up to his hair, her fingers running through it and their breaths mingled. Khushi felt the world around her, her fears, her worries everything disappear into nothingness. Yesterday suddenly felt like a distant nightmare. She sent her fingers through strands of hair pulling him closer as their lips moved against a soulful rhythm, the rhythm of their heart, their heartbeats exactly in sync. Arnav's tongue moved into her mouth, clashing against hers then searched the boundaries of her mouth, marking every inch of it as his, the taste of him sent tingles down her spine and spurted tiny little butterflies in her stomach. His hands moved up her back lifting her top with it, his warm rough skin against her silky back, leaving a scorching path in its gait, then suddenly stilled, the tips of his fingers lifting off of her back lightly and he pulled back slowly as they stood for a few seconds with their foreheads against each other, then moving his hands back to her waist he leaned back, still holding her against himself. She looked down, a rosy blush creeping up her cheeks and a corner of his mouth lifted up, the effect he had on her surprising him slightly, then he moved her out of his hold slowly as she looked left, right and centre, away from him, the after effects still sending tiny sparks through her.

"Erm, so a," he finally awoke his voice, still low yet equally husky. She looked up timidly, her gaze instantly clashing with his melted chocolate orbs and she thought she'd lose herself in them once more. "Yeh so can I go shower and change now before I drown in my clothes?" He managed to mumble out and she nodded, breaking out into a silent laugh, still dazed by what had happened, what her day had started off with and what he had made it and watched as he slowly made his way out of the room with his clothes.


"No! No! Let go of me!" She screamed, thrashing against the ropes tied to her, every movement causing them to cut into her skin. "LET GO!" She yelled. "How dare you! Do you know who I am?!" She growled, glaring at the man in front of her. He watched almost unfazed by it all, there was a jagged scar along the mans left cheek, as if someone had took a knife and tore out his skin. Then thinking through it again, she decided that probably was how it had been caused. She watched in horror as another two men walked into the room suddenly feeling vulnerable. She tried to move back, her feet pushing against the sheet on the bed and her hands scrunching the sheet and pulling it back with her, the rope still cutting into her skin. She felt her heart would burst out of her chest, the effort of its beats almost painful. Her throat was dry and parched and she yearned for a drop of water, her lips chipped and dry. She scrunched her eyes shut, willing this to go away as one of the men moved towards her. She felt his breath on her face, stale and hot and she flinched as her body collided off of the head board of the bed. And then there was another tiny prick and a few seconds later she slumped onto the bed once more.


"No no no!" He started shouting, pulling her back towards him as she attempted to move towards the television.

"Arnav let me go!" She screeched, trying to remove his hands from around her waist as he pulled her back into his lap.

"No! I will not watch DDLJ again!" He exclaimed, his arms tight around her waist as she struggled to break free, then stopped and stared at him, glowering.

"Arnav, it's either DDLJ or Devdas!" She shouted pushing him away from her and finally freeing herself from his grip.

He covered his face as he fell back onto the couch, "oh noo! Not Devdas!" he moaned into his hands.

She began giggling and pulled out the DVD from the stack, "well DDLJ wins!" She exclaimed, taking the disk out and placing it in the tray, a triumphant smile on her face as he sat back up and frowned. Pressing play she came and sat snuggling herself into him as his arm went around her pulling her in closer. He kissed her hair, her floral scent overwhelming his senses for a minute.

"Arnav," she mumbled as she still revelled in the sudden reality of it all.

"Hmm," he spoke into her hair, his eyes closed as he tried to let his joy of finally knowing that she was his not be over-shadowed by anything else.

She felt safe in his warmth and thinking about it again, pushed it to the back of her mind for another day. Too much had already happened today and she wanted to bask in its essence for now. She would ask him later, "nothing," she mumbled into his chest as a small yawn broke out of her and she scrunched her eyes as they began to droop.

He opened his eyes slowly, already knowing the weight of those words. She was pondering answers, sighing silently he decided that he would tell her. Tell her everything, he didn't want to keep secrets from her anymore. But he wouldn't tell her today, she had been through too much, he'd wait a few more days maybe. He placed his hand on her shoulder to move her back, look into the depths of those beautiful eyes once more but the corner of his mouth turned up into a smile as he watched adoringly as she slept. He tenderly moved a few strands of hair out of her face, caressing the soft skin of it, her breaths were even and rhythmic as her head nestled gingerly against his chest. He moved her body in closer, his own eyes drooping as he rested his head on hers.

And for the first time in weeks, or maybe months they both fell into a slumber that evaded all nightmares, sleep that brought dreams formed by their faces, by a love that they had finally found.

I’d like to say, that you’re my only fear
And when I dream, it slowly disappears.
And when I wake, I’m right here by your side...
To feel your heart, beat in and out of time. 
– Call to Arms, Angels and Airwaves
